Shopping is a relaxing and enjoyable activity for some people. We have evolved for a long time bartering with fellow humans the objects of our need. All this has been possible through physical interaction and touch and feel of the materials. However, in the wake of the pandemic looming large and rise of online shopping, the traditional physical visit to stores and verifying items before buying will definitely be taking back seat for some time to come. However, the most affected jobs facing disruption and change will be the sales jobs. Panic and fear of the covid-19 virus has become so widespread in people that we are staring at big changes in the sales channels and that way we purchase things.
Sales Executives along with the stores like malls and shopping chains have to adapt and change the procedures so that customers can feel safe shopping with them again. They will need to devise strategies to minimize the close physical interaction between the Sales Executives and customers without affecting the overall shopping experience of the customers. One method is to provide digital interface while shopping to the customers so that they can ask relevant questions to the sales executives.
Jobs in Delhi/NCR
Delhi/NCR has been the lifeline and migrant hotspot for the northern Indian states. The flurry of economic activities has come to a dead halt in wake of the lockdown imposed due to pandemic. Many businesses and jobs have gone through a hard reset which will cause the over leveraged businesses to fail. The government has announced fiscal stimulus targeting the MSME sector. However, the implementation and its effect on the job scenario are yet to be seen. 
Fresher Jobs in sales will be fraught with risk for some time to come in Delhi/NCR. Fresher should adhere to some online learning courses before venturing in the job market as this time skill and adapting to situations is what will make them successful.
Jobs after 12th are mainly of delivery and warehouse executives in the online retail- Sales Executives, Clerical Jobs, Counter sales jobs, telemarketing jobs, etc. However, candidates should supplement their learning with the relevant courses in their field to improve their skills and job suitability. Online learning and certification courses are available for nominal amount these days and are even offered for free.


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