Clinical Research Associates Jobs in Ahmedabad

Clinical research is a branch of healthcare science that determines the safety and effectiveness of medications, devices, diagnostic products and treatment regimens intended for human use. Keeping in mind the raging pandemic sweeping through the whole world, there is renewed focus on clinical research. This is due to the requirement posed by fast-tracking testing of vaccines and drugs and having an overview of the effectiveness and side effects of a vaccine or a drug on the wide population. India has always lagged in the Research & Development jobs, however, that scenario is rapidly changing now with purchasing power of Indian populace increasing. Many companies are shifting their R&D centres to India due to highly skilled and cheap workforce.
Clinical research associates (CRAs) organise and administer clinical trials of new or current drugs in order to assess the benefits and risks of using them. Their responsibilities are:-
Ø  Formulate drug trial methodologies (procedures) and reports.
Ø  Identify and prepare a brief for suitable trial investigators (clinicians).
Ø  Devising the location and strategy for trial centers.
Ø  Designing trial materials and supplying study centers with sufficient quantities.
Ø  Supplying clinicians with clear written directions on how to conduct the trials.
Ø  Collection and authentication of data collection forms (commonly known as case report forms).
Ø  Monitoring progress throughout the duration of the trial and identifying any need of pivot in the middle of the trial and preparing summary of the trial conducted.
Clinical research associates have vacancies in Pharmaceutical companies, Clinical contract agencies, Hospital academic departments and Educational Institutions Research departments, etc.
Two of the biggest pharmaceutical companies of India, Zydus Cadila and Torrent Pharmaceuticals and Intas Bio-pharmaceuticals are based in Ahmedabad. Ahmedabad's educational and industrial institutions have attracted students and young skilled workers from the rest of India. Due to the strong competition for jobs in the field of clinical research, work experience gained using relevant scientific and analytical techniques can be useful, as can be previous nursing, medical sales, pharmaceutical research and clinical laboratory work. Key skills required for clinical research associates include Commercial awareness, A logical and inquisitive mind, Good organizational abilities, Excellent numerical, written and verbal communication skills. The best research Jobs in your city depend on the presence of the Educational Institutions pursuing research or the presence of Big Pharmaceutical Companies. To become a CRA, you require an undergraduate or postgraduate qualification in nursing, life sciences (biology, microbiology, toxicology, biochemistry, or pharmacology) or medical sciences (physiology, immunology, medicine, anatomy or pharmacy).
Clinical Research in face of Covid-19 Pandemic Challenge:
Ø  The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) has set up a national task force to aid in fight against COVID-19 which has been divided into five research groups to identify research priorities and initiate research studies.
Ø  The research groups include clinical research, research on diagnostics and biomarkers, epidemiology and surveillance, operation research, and vaccines/drug research and development.
Ø  India Covid-19 Clinical Research Collaborative Network, a hospital-based clinical research initiative, is in place to enhance the understanding of the coronavirus disease (Covid-19). The move will help in finding India-specific treatment protocols and push research and development in the field of drug development for the pandemic.
Ø  The goal of this network is to develop specific clinical management protocols and further research and development for therapeutics. For this purpose, a central database of clinical and laboratory parameters of hospitalised Covid-19 cases are being created.
Ø  This is clinical research primarily using data at the hospital level. It involves all those hospitals who are directly dealing with patient management to get a sense of symptoms. This helps in knowing what’s working and what’s not as far as the treatment is concerned.


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